You Are What You Dream: Underworld (1985)

Roy Bain (Larry Lamb) would rather spend his days painting than getting involved with old, bad influences like gangster-turned-industrialist Motherskille (Steven Berkoff). However, when Bain’s old flame Nicole (Nicola Cowper) is kidnapped by persons unknown, Motherskille hires the former gumshoe to take one last case. The investigation leads Bain to Pepperdine (Ingrid PItt) an exclusive […]

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Not One of Us: Quicksilver

Quinn Quicksilver has had a strange life. He was found in a basinet by a trio of laborers when he was just a few days old. They handed him over to a local orphanage, where Quinn was raised by nuns. He’s an adult now, a writer for Arizona! magazine. However, as curious as his life […]

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