God is Love: End of the Line (2007)

Karen (Ilona Elkin) is a resident at a psychiatric hospital who has been seeing an influx of paranoid schizophrenic patients. She does what she can, but the institution she works for is more interested in clearing out beds than providing proper care. One of the recent releases, a young Asian-American woman named Viviane (Christine Lan), […]

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Back to the Wall: Siege

In 1981, the first strike among the Halifax police department basically left the city without reliable law enforcement services. While the city did not immediately launch itself into anarchy, there were little displays of antiauthoritarian behavior. One of these involved five guys heading to a local gay club to terrorize the bartender (Dug Rotstein) and […]

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Movie Mondays: Father’s Day

Low budget genre film production companies usually do not stick around long enough to gain either notoriety or a reputation. Troma is one of the few that has endured. Its reputation is . . . let’s be generous and say “mixed.” Some Troma movies are worth a laugh. Many (many, many) Troma movies don’t work […]

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