In Days of Auld De’il: Catherine Cavendish’s The Haunting of Henderson Close

Although it is nowhere near as famous as France’s catacombs, Edinburgh has an underground city. It wasn’t always so, of course, getting buried over time by newer developments. However, the Old Town’s buildings are still there, tucked away beneath the cleaner, modern surface streets. The place has quite the history, and of course it is […]

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The Bringer of Wisdom and Its Accompanying Woe: Charles R. Saunders’ Damballa

In the paeon of pulp literature we find the precursors to the modern superhero craze in figures of mystery like The Shadow, The Spider, Doc Savage, and the occasional femme fatale like Domino Lady. Although those characters originally appeared in magazines and on radio dramas back in the 1920s and 1930s, then maintained a readership […]

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